Our Referral Incentive provides you with an excellent opportunity to earn financial rewards for referring candidates to us...

Why not claim your £500 referral incentive award?
Help your friends, colleagues or associates secure their next career move through New Leaf Search and as our way of saying a big ‘thank-you" for your introduction, we will reward you with a handsome referral bonus of £500* in cash
(*Terms and Conditions apply - € equivalent also available).
Your referral
If you know of anyone potentially seeking a new position within asset finance and leasing, then simply refer their details to us by completing the online form below.
If we subsequently secure new employment for your referral, you will receive a £500* cash reward.
The reward is made provided we are not already in contact with the referred candidate and are able to place them in permanent employment with one of our clients.
The payment will be made as soon as the referred candidate completes six months' continuous employment with the new employer.
Multiple rewards
Why stop at one referral? If you feel able to make multiple referrals, then we will be obliged to reward you with £500* for each and every resulting placement made.
What do you have to do?
Simply complete the form below and we will do the rest:
*Referral Incentive – Terms and Conditions
A £500 cash payment will be made to the referrer for every referred candidate that is subsequently placed by NLS into a permanent job, provided:
1. The above online referral application form has been completed.
2. The referred candidate is not already registered with NLS. NLS will confirm in writing the registration status of the referred candidate within 5 working days of the online referral.
3. The referred candidate is placed by NLS (accepts a job offer in writing) within three months of the date of the online referral.
4. The referred candidate completes a minimum of 6 months continuous service in their new job.
Where more than one person refers the same candidate, NLS will treat the applications on a first-come, first-served basis. All referral payments will be made against the original permanent placement only.
Payment of the reward will be by bank transfer.
NLS will not be liable for any costs incurred by the referrer in respect of the payment.
International bank transfer costs incurred by NLS will be deducted from the total referral payment.
Payments will be made in GBP Sterling (for UK placements) or Euros (for European placements).
For payments made in Euros, NLS will apply currency conversion rates obtained from www.xe.com.
In the event of a dispute, NLS’s decision will be final.
It is the referrer’s responsibility to declare any referral incentive payments to the relevant tax authorities.
The referrer indemnifies NLS against any tax liability that may become due as a result of receiving NLS referral incentive payments.
NLS reserves the right to decline any referral without explanation.
NLS reserves the right to amend or change the terms and conditions of this Referral Incentive Scheme without written notice.
These terms are final and non-negotiable.