Client Perspective: Identifying top talent in the virtual working environment
Posted on 14 September 2021 by Jane Theobald
Client / Employer Perspective: "With the prevalence of remote working, how do companies recognise and develop high achievers into managers of the future?”
Client Contribution by Chris Stalley – Sales Director, Renaissance Asset Finance
“High achievers will always make themselves known and rise to the top, it is in their DNA and their actions are habitual.
However, I don’t think recognising talent at a distance is necessarily difficult.
The bigger issue is keeping such talent interested and engaged.
Isolation in terms of reduced communication and face to face contact during recent difficult times has challenged normal working practices. Unless employers are ready to address this issue, top talent may become disgruntled and potentially become prey to the competition.
Therefore, having a strategy to communicate with and reward such individuals should be one of the key areas of focus for any employer looking to retain and develop talent.
Take top talent for granted at your peril. You are already financially vested (recruitment, training etc.) so ensure you have the right practices in place to preserve your bottom line”